Posted by on Nov 16, 2018 | 24 comments

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Well, this is really amazing.  Someone is watching out for mama, I think, because after she came home last night distraught (whatever that is) about losing her wallet, she got a phone call from her doctor/friend here in Rome, at 11pm (!), who said, “A man named Miguel just called me and said he found a credit card in the street and then saw that a wallet was nearby and called me because my number was in your wallet for emergency. He left his number so call him now.”

Mama called immediately and Miguel said that credit cards were there but no money…so that was what the thief was after and papa says he was just an opportunist and saw a good deal and went for it, not a professional thief.

Well, Miguel did indeed have mama’s wallet and confirmed every credit card that papa asked about over the phone plus all IDs!  Oh, boy, was mama glad or WHAT?

So this morning, mama and papa went to Miguel’s apartment building where he is the doorman and he handed over the wallet.  The amazing thing is that last night, there was one card missing in the conversation with Miguel and he went out in the street with a flashlight and FOUND the missing card near where the first one was found…amazing.

So we are back to normal but can you imagine that the bad, bad thief who picked up the wallet in the pharmacy (bad, bad mama, let it out of her hand, which she never does, and probably won’t ever again, but…) drove away with the wallet and just happened to throw it away near this very wonderful Miguel who was walking in the neighborhood at 11 at night to go to work.

Pretty amazing if you ask me.  But if you will allow me a comment: WHAT A S__T that bad man is!

Mama had better not lose me anywhere!

Oh, I forgot.  I have a chip in my little body somewhere that says who I am and where I live.

Isn’t science incredible? Sort of outer-spacey, if you ask me.

But no one has.

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