Posted by on Dec 10, 2019 | 13 comments

(I’m trying to help mama feel better about losing such a good author.)

Well, mama recently re-discovered the late Norah Ephron’s book, Heartburn, and fell in love all over again with  this amazing writer/journalist/screenwriter (When Harry Met Sally, for example) and now mama is almost about to finish Ms. Ephron’s works and is getting sadder and sadder about the fact that  she  died in 2012 and there will be no more observations about the Human Comedy, mama says.  Sigh…

Mama sits up in bed laughing each night as she reads Ms. Ephron’s charming commentaries on life, love and the reality (to Ms Ephron) that youth is way more fun than aging, being “made over” by Cosmopolitan experts is probably one of the most traumatic experiences of her  life, and that perfect parenting is impossible and the pits and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Mama just giggles and giggles and wishes so much she had met this formidable lady.

When mama is reading a good book, she disappears into it and it’s hard to come back into the real world.  So did Ms. Ephron, who adored books and would rather read than anything, like mama.

Mama has a purse she loves in which she can  find nothing, as in the wonderful essay Ms. Ephron writes “On Purses” in I Feel Bad About My Neck. It seems that everything she observed was a little part of everyone, men and women alike.

Frankly, mama is telling me too much to write down about this very human woman that left this world too soon.

I’ll bet she had kitties…have to look into  that.

I’m sure she would have loved kitties on her lap, as mama does…