Posted by on Sep 3, 2016 | 14 comments


Shame on you, certain people of France.

Well, mama is really on a tear this morning.  That can be read as tear, too, as in what falls from the eyes.  The NYT published an article and received over 1000 responses from Muslim women about how they are seen and treated in France, and I think we, in this family, are in such a state right now about that that we are actually considering where we might live if not here.  Muslim women are probably often treated the same way in parts of the USA.  Many in Europe are thinking of going to the UK where they are free to wear headscarves or anything else they please and have a decent, productive life.  We women, anthros and kitties, must speak out.  The French and others are such hypocrites.

What a country we have chosen.  The French say that they want their visitors to assimilate, but then Muslim women, citizens of France from birth or who have lived here all of their lives and feel, as one woman said, “100% French”, are ostracized and humiliated, taunted with “go back where you came from” and other horribly racial and prejudiced statements that any civil human being would be ashamed of saying.  The burkini episode was an affront to all women.

How are we ever to work together when the French magazine, Charie Hebdo, makes fun of Amatrice’s earthquake in a tasteless, useless and despicable cartoon with no sense of responsibility for freedom of speech and press.  The mayor of Amatrice says that he is sure the cartoon does NOT reflect the French concern about Amatrice’s disaster and I’m sure it does not, but this cartoon should NOT have been published at all if Charlie Hebdo had any sense of propriety.  Idiots, all.

I am not reproducing it here as I do not want it on my blog or anything like it, ever!

And when we become real human beings with hearts and empathy and concern for our fellow anthros, that will be the day that we will not even have to discuss or malign or make fun of or feel hatred for DIFFERENCES.  We are all human beings on a small planet and had better learn how to manage that.  Why on earth can’t anthros learn anything at all from their past.

Those who do not learn anything from their history are doomed to repeat it.  Geroge Santayana


You anthros don’t know ANYTHING.  Wise up!