Posted by on Apr 29, 2024 | 16 comments

Well, while THEY are gallavanting on the way to visit those cutesy pootsy grandanthros instead of hanging out in MY garden, I’ll just slip in to my ex-hanging-out-place and grab a few winks, whatever they are.

Today we are thinking that just waking up with a sweet thought for the day might be a good Monday spark.

For example, mama woke up with pouring rain and cold winds  blowing like crazy but I heard her say, “Wow, this garden is going to be SO happy after this dowpour!”

And I can vouch for that. It IS! The broad beans grew at least an inch this week and the roses had a nice drinky and bloomed like crazy and the streets of our little village are clean as they can be.

So when you wake up tomorrow, think a sweet thought before you get out of bed, and if a baddy shows up, just be sure to throw it into that big metal poubelle you always have beside you, just waiting for trash!

We hope your Monday was full of nice sparks!

I had a nice nap and now it’s back to the garden…