Posted by on May 9, 2024 | 14 comments

You may not know this, but where I am WE have Power Paws and I’m thankful for them.  Sort of like magic wands, and I have observed that they WORK. Am working on Gaza right now…

Well, I just couldn’t think of a good title for my blog so dipped into turkey time and jazzed it up a bit.

But I do wish to give thanks first to all of your blogs, which we/I love to read for information and news and humor and stories about your animals and YOU.

And I am thankful for good weather for mama and papa who are with those grand-anthros who get SO MUCH ATTENTION NOW INSTEAD OF ME!

Well, that’s not really true, I sort of get attention all day long and love it…it’s an in and out kind of thing but it works for me.

And on a more serious note, I am thankful that arms are not going to Gaza until these dumb anthros wise up and create TWO states and get ON with LIFE!!!

Jeez, Louise, some supposedly grown-up anthros simply do not have a clue about how to share, live peacefully together and GET ON WITH IT!

I’ll be thankful when so many who have suffered get back their lives and families. I’m working on that from where I am but there is only so much power one kitty can muster. Still, do you know how many helpers I have where I am?

And my friend, Mya, is on it with her many doggy friends.

THEY have Power Paws, too, heh heh…

(Mya also helps me in the garden sometimes…)