Posted by on Aug 15, 2017 | 10 comments


I’ll probably stay  home and play with my elastic and avoid the crowds!  And the HUGE winds that may not allow the fireworks tomorrow night.  Hey, better for my ears….

Happy August 15th!!!

Well, there is a lot of hustle and bustle around here for the holiday of St. Vincent, patron saint of fishermen, for whom Collioure celebrates the middle of August (Ferragosto in Italy).  So whichever town you are in, things are jumping.

Here there is a contest for little kids who try to stay on a greased pole that hangs out over the bay and they slide around, trying not to fall in!

Boat races, people on stilts, whatever they are, fanfare music, sardine dancing, er…I mean, sardane dancing.  Papa calls it sardines dancing because the dancers hold hands and look like sardines…well…dancing!!!


Mama tried to learn the steps quickly and fell all over herself but a patient friend taught her.  It’s not as simple as it looks.

There are booths for food (sardines!!! I might be invited this time) and wine and beer and champagne and a gazillion tourist anthros driving the kitties of Collioure nuts, haha.

But, heh, heh, I KNOW they all have their hiding places from which to watch the silliness.

And hope for a dropped sardine.  Those papa plates are really flexible when filled.

I wonder if mama has a sardine suit to wear to the dance?


And if you think I’m goin’ out there with all those DOGGIES, you’ve got another think comin’!


ESPECIALLY NOT THIS ONE! Mama, give it up!!!



