Posted by on Oct 31, 2013 | 2 comments


Well, this about says it, no? Check out some tabby cat costumes on because even though I have no stripes, some of my best friends are tabby cats and these guys know how to DRESS UP!

I guess what I should really be doing is taking really good chicken bones and salmon mousse and my favourite kibble from Purina to where all the kitties of this neighbourhood might be buried.  Day of the Dead in Mexico is such a really lovely tribute to those who have shuffled off this mortal coil (to quote Willy) and I don’t see why live kitties all over the world shouldn’t go out that night an commune with the spirits of their lost friends.  Now the only problem I see is that with the nine-life reputation that we have, we kitties are hard put to know where to go and how many venues we might have to visit to take care of all the comings, but particularly the “goings” of all these kitties! Not an easy problem to solve.

But…I like it that tribute is paid to the spirits of friends and family and that the favourite foods and drinks of that particular spirit are taken to the cemetery and that the family who still remains stays at the grave or tomb or headstone or marker all night long, helping the spirit of their loved one enjoy their company and feast and the memories they made together.

How this day of tribute to the dead saints (originally) and then their spirits (All-Souls Day) turned into little kids dressing up in costumes and going for tricks or treats is still not clear to me.

But I am in my costume, as you can see above, and I think I’ll just wear it around the house tonight and look in the mirror every now and then and give some thoughts to all my kitty friends who are no longer with us, and mama will do the same for her anthro friends and we’ll all try to remember what the day is really for.

But some of those kiddies sure look cute…so what if a religious holiday has a bit of humor and fun? Plus it’s my step-brother’s birthday today. AUGURI, SIMON!!!!!! I’ll take you out for some sockyeye salmon pie with a kibble crosta tonight!
