Posted by on May 18, 2016 | 5 comments


Well, mama says emphatically that basically he has none.  If you have time, just take a good look, please, at this article in the NYT about Trump’s attitude toward women.  With the papa we cherish around OUR house, who respects and esteems both of us females and would not in his wildest dreams behave toward women, or anyone, the way Trump has behaved all of his life, mama and I are stunned by this man’s popularity in The United States of America!

A president used to be an esteemed representative of the people, MY and your representative, a person with integrity, kindness, elegance, fairness, intelligence and a believer in equality for all without demeaning others because of their sex or looks or race or beliefs.  This man is an abomination and possibly the poorest example of an individual running for the highest position in our country that we have ever seen in the history of the USA.  What are we thinking, where have our values gone? You may be Democrat or Republican, but we are all human beings and hope to work together to make our country a place of freedom and opportunity (even with a Congress resisting change at every turn), but I, for one, would not want to be associated with this man on any level.

We are in France.  We have family in Italy.  We have friends in the UK.  All of them and their friends and most of Europe, according to newspapers and magazines, cannot fathom how this man Trump ever got to where he is during this campaign.

Perhaps that speaks well for our free democracy.  That anyone, even someone with no credentials, no awareness of how other countries operate in the world, no idea of how to enhance the economy and gnp, no ability to grasp the cultures and platforms of other nations, no generosity toward others (like his father, evidently) unless it enhances his own position, has risen to become the Republican nominee.  Shame on you, Republicans, shame on you for not finding someone of real worth to represent your party, for being cowed by a man whose only solution for anything is to show power with bravado and self-aggrandisement, who began in his youth as a misogynist and continues to be even more of one today.

There is much talk among those over 50 about those days when people had respect for parents, for the elderly, for their neighbors, for themselves, and how our values are being devalued, how there are no manners in today’s society, how the I, Me, My generations have taken over and all anyone cares about is his/her own success and what’s in it for me—screw the rest.

This man is the personification of those changes.  My personal view is that he behaves as if he is somewhat bi-polar, going up one minute and down the next, throwing out grandiose statements on one day and contradicting himself on the next.

Are too many Americans simply in the dark about this poor example of a man?  Of a human being?  Of a humanistic being?  You may be on the right or on the left, but this man has not addressed any of the issues that any leader is required to face:  medical care for all, services and help for the poor and needy, racial, sexual, religious, and political equality for all Americans.

God help us all if he is elected.  Or whatever deity or power you believe in.  We, in America, want and need to feel safe.

We will never feel or be safe with this man in charge.  Of nuclear weapons, of building walls between peoples instead of trying to tear down those barriers that inhibit our country from becoming even greater.

We are going to need all the help we can get if our country, our great county, our respected country, the most powerful country on earth, is suddenly transformed into a circus with the ringleader, a clown.


Trump’s Mouth @TrumpSpeak 23 Sep 2015

I will abolsutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if Im ever wrong

 And you don’t think a man who feels he is always right is not a dangerous man?  Think again.