Posted by on Apr 2, 2024 | 20 comments

My Too Much pose…

Sometimes there is just too much going on, mama says, and do you ever feel that way? This particular Tuesday was just FULL of appointments that took way too long to complete, one of which was waiting, waiting, all through lunch but mama and papa couldn’t leave until they had some docs and so ate only a bag of peanuts and then didn’t get home until almost 4 and so they had only a salad and some fruit and then mama wanted to exercise for 20 minutes and then there were two phone appointments that took almost until 9pm and so then they just had an omelet and toast and a glass of vino and it go so late that they couldn’t watch the first episode of Shogun or The Taste of Things, which they have been trying to see for three nights now and so they ended up just watching a very funny Friends, the series of which they are RE-WATCHING because it makes them feel happy and good and UP befoe hitting the sack, whatever that means…

Hitting the sack? We kitties just lie down and snooze immediately. No hitting required.

So you see, it was a Too Much Tuesday for THEM but…

I think they’ll dream of me…