Posted by on Feb 5, 2015 | 2 comments


So are these cute winners or WHAT? Christine and Jean, victors!!!

Well, I’ve been thinkin’…tonight we should (note the ‘we’) raise a glass to our dear neighbors, Christine and Jean Riere, who WON against evil and persecution by having the case against them and their magnificent garden DROPPED.  No more complaints from our mutual bad-tempered neighbour who, when no one is looking (except me, heh, heh!), throws empty plastic bags over the fence so they will float around in Jean’s beautiful works and cause him trouble…but I SAW the guy do it and I told Jean and now if the guy even comes NEAR the garden, he is toast!!! Jean is very handy with a pitchfork…no, no just kidding.  It’s our neighbour who probably has a pitchfork and a set of horns somewhere in his closet.

Goodness over evil.  Light over dark.  Consciousness and respect and good will over the idiocy of suing your neighbour over a pair of (rather lovely) garden shoes hanging on the fence to dry and some colourful plastic bottles on sticks to dissuade the birdies from eating the seeds that will grow into the most amazing vegetables mama and papa have ever seen or tasted.

As they say in Italian, “Beccati questo”–take that!

But mama says that we should ignore our neighbour from now on, that he is a fly on the horizon, a mosquito on the wall, a tiny drop of acid rain in a bucket of pure spring water, and we shall have nothing more to do with him.

But mama still has the wonderful magical bracelet that the guy’s girlfriend sold in a garage sale, so she’s happy.  Mama, that is, not the girlfriend.  The girlfriend is LONG GONE we just heard.  Maybe there was a reason…

I, in my inimitable kitty way, am going to kick back and celebrate for Jean with a nice, by-the-fire nap, until mama decides whether to roast a fish in the fireplace tonight or not…


Do I know how to nap, or WHAT?

Er…could we have béarnaise on that fish?