Posted by on Mar 30, 2019 | 15 comments









I get a lot done when THEY are away…

Well, mama gave up her vegetable preference today to help papa with a nice little piece of cow at a remote rustic restaurant on the site of a ruined abbey, Sant Quirze de Colera, in Spain. This delightful ballade (day trip) was planned by papa to celebrate the magical day that papa met mama (March 31) MANY years ago…as in…well, a lot!!!

Hey, mama, I’m not telling anyone anything he or she doesn’t already know, and besides, you two are still having fun and running around exploring the places around here even thought you ARE ancien…er…a bit older, no?

I’m not telling tales out of school (whatever that means).

And mama was so tickled by the surprise drive through the lovely vineyards and olive groves in the hills between here and Spain. The road, the col de Banyuls, was originally the rocky, torturous path on which Jews and others, persecuted horribly by Franco, escaped into France during Franco’s terrible reign.

Mama says that today there is hardly anyone on it except a few bicyclists and motor cycles, and mama got out and picked wild thyme and mint on the way to the abbey.

Of course, I had NO knowledge of this outing, being out like a light when they left, but they DID come back at a reasonable hour since the Spanish border is only 20 minutes away!  Hey, I could have been invited, right?

Uh, oh, I took a look at the map and that little road is hairpin turns all the way up to 1000 feet and back down again…arggggh.

Pity I can’t chew Travelgum…whatever that is.