Posted by on Oct 16, 2020 | 17 comments







WOW!  THE RED SHOELACE, one of mama’s favorite movies!

Well, there’s a Roman numeral II added because I confess that I used the String title before, but it’s very applicable to today’s thank-you/merci to Ellen Pilch for suggesting I watch The Red String on YouTube’s kitty videos, KTV, I call it.








OH, BOY, was that fun or what?  The only problem with that silly string is that he disappears when I try to catch him, and then he does a snaky wiggle-waggle and tempts me again!















But I have plans…I’m going to fox him tonight when mama lets me have KTV time.  I’m going to hide behind the IPad and catch him when he does his funny little disappearing act, heh heh.  He’ll soon learn who’s bossette around  here!








WHAP!  Darn, lost it!

But do you  think that watching KTV before  bedtime is wise?  I dreamed about that little red string all night and wiggled and snaked and lept around between mama’s knees for hours!

Haha, just kidding.  I, a leaper, snaker, wiggler WHEN SNOOZING?

In your dreams,…