Posted by on Aug 17, 2017 | 8 comments


WOW! It’s a hot time in the old town tonight!

Oh, boy, is the music all around this little burg today!  Actually the music was heavy around Wednesday and there was an all-female anthro band that mama said was really amazing…a tuba, clarinet, horn, drums and trombone!


Then there is the lady who makes animals out of balloons (mama said one popped while she was making an animal and she just blew up another in seconds and finished off the creation without missing a trick), and there are, besides all the booths and food and drinks and entertainment, the famous French commandos.  And let me tell you, you feel a whole lot better in crowds like these with commandos walking among them.  Or so mama says.  I have never personally seen a commando, whatever that is, but I know they are important and nice to have around for many reasons.  They are like the USA Marines, except speak French and eat croissants, haha.


The beaches are packed–hardly space for a kitty, haha, but we’re not allowed.  Hey, water sports are NOT my thing anyway, so more room for the bakers.  Mama wonders often if anyone wears sunscreen because there are so many pink people!


And here are all of the family and visitors, taken by the waitress, with a bit of our little ville‘s attraction in the background.



We, with family and visiting friends of son and son’s wife, really nice–came in a camper with two kids, brave souls).

Not sure I  would be good in a caravan…maybe if I had trained on a leash, but mama didn’t want to cramp my style so just kept me in a garden instead.

On another subject, mama was fascinated by this tool that is sold in the market that does THIS to fruits and veggies:


In keeping with our festival, it sort of makes a Flamenco dancer out of melons!  Wild, no?

Oh, the things you find out on thsese streets.


I get worn out from all this activity.  Think I’ll just grab a few winks until the fireworks begin!


UH, OH—there they go!!!