Posted by on Apr 9, 2016 | 4 comments


Whatsapp out there?

Papa is so funny.  Mama will ask, “How’s the weather today?”  And then funny papa looks at his IPhone and says, “Well, let’s just ask Steve.”  Meaning of course Mr. Jobs who invented that miraculous tool we all use now, and mama said, “Gee, I wonder what he’s doing in heaven?  Can you imagine all the amazing things he must be changing and fixing and inventing in his IHeaven?”

So now Steve lives in IHeaven and really is probably making a lot of things ship-shape.

Weird thought, I guess, but mama had fun with it.

And we are asking Steve an awful lot of questions during the day.  I think he likes to be remembered for that amazing genius.

What can I say, I’m just a little Tuxedo kitty here to observe.


In observing mode.