Posted by on Apr 23, 2015 | 0 comments

Tian de Courgettes (all onion, zucchine, tomato, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper–bake at medium high temp for 45 minutes–what’s not to like?)

You know, things look so simple to a kitty. These anthros make their lives too complicated, I have observed, and often expend much energy that might have benefited them in other areas, such as art, music, gardening, reading, dancing, playing with kids, grandkids, playing with each other, taking a walk in the neighborhood to see it in a new way—well, I could go on and on but you get my drift.

Today I saw on my IPad kitty news that a scientist has come up with how to eat healthily and stay in shape. Do you know how many articles there are on the subject of health?  Too many. But this nice man says what we all know deep in our internal eating manuals: Fewer processed foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Less red meat. Cook at home if at all possible. Eat with company and you tend to eat less and be happier while doing it. But doctors, dieticians, food gurus have been saying this for years.



Now we are back on the gay issue in North Carolina (and everywhere except the coasts, I might add), where a priest has quit his job because he refuses to marry same-sex couples.  Where is ‘love thy neighbour?’  Where is kindness to all human beings? It is so simple.

Lord knows if there were too many Loulous around exactly like me, I would be bored stiff with ourselves, haha. You anthros simply cannot fault an organism, and yes, you are organisms, for being born with hazel eyes or pink skin or a tendency to plumpness or short legs or tall legs or long fingers or small feet or being gay. The are all in the same package and each individual has something of value somewhere in his being, if only there were more help from others in finding it.

Yes, issues are complicated. Yes, politics are complicated. And yes, human beings are complicated. But I can’t help wondering my my simple kitty brain if things could be made a lot simpler than we make them.

Back to Einstein: Keep it as simple as possible but not simpler. Hmm….

Off to ponder that one.


Hey, The Naked Maja, that’s me all right. Get out your paints…