Posted by on Jul 12, 2022 | 20 comments

Well, here I am again (new pic) with my personal elevator.

We are thinking about other things today so let me just say that the sun is out, the breeze is soft and lovely, and I will go in tomorrow to THAT PLACE to have them see how I’m doing with this sugar stuff…

I actually don’t want to know much about it.

As long as I have my personal Schindler (ascenseur, elevator), my snuggles and my duck fat, haha, I’m happy. I even roll around on the rug and rub on things often and my…er…whatever…are pretty normal, whatever those is/are.  Lordy, lordy, I’m losing my language, and my couth, haha.

Enjoy your day, your kitties, your doggies, your whatevers and try to keep in mind that even if we don’t like it, masking and distancing will help quell this new b.5 virus, which is running rampant again in the USA. Not easy, any of this, but snuggling a sweet animal can do wonders!