Posted by on Dec 6, 2014 | 2 comments


Aretha Franklin singing “Respect”, Otis Redding’s song

Well, I was pretty shocked this morning to read about how many slurs the President of the United States has to suffer at the hands of that other party who want so much to see him fail.

And I was doubly shocked to find that even Mr. Obama’s kids and Michelle are the target of criticism from what, in my opinion, are simply rude politicians who seek to malign the Obama family in any way possible without caring a hoot for decency.

Michelle, who is trying to get Americans to eat better foods, slim down and keep in shape during their now very long lives, was the brunt of a comment by Republican congressman James Sensenbrenner who riduculed the first lady’s rear end. What business is it of his, he with his “bulbous nose and no discernible chin—the very caricature of a pampered political hack”? (NYT, A Deficit of Dignity by Timothy Egan)

Mr. Obama’s origins have been raked over by those in search of an Achille’s heel that could make him stumble. And the snide comments of Republican congressional staffer, Elizabeth Lauten, about the Obama’s daughters sent her looking for a new job, thank heaven, when she resigned under pressure from her boss, Representative Stephen Fincher. Perhaps he, a southern gentleman, still attempts to maintain a modicum of politesse in his Republican world. It is rare, that’s for sure.

Mama says that we should look at the jobs report for December. That we should celebrate the creation of 321,000 additional jobs in November. That workers’ average hourly wages rose 0.4 percent, twice the expected number. That the USA is outperforming much of the world economically. That the fall in gasoline prices will make these higher paychecks go further.

The President of the United States should not be the brunt of racism, unfounded criticism of his wife and children, nor should he give the time of day to rabble-rousers who are not getting their way on issues that demand the President’s reform measures, especially immigraton and medical care for all.

Mama says people in glass houses shouldn’t start shootin’ unless their own glass is bulletproof. And I second that.

I’d be this family’s kitty anytime…I mean if I didn’t have any family of my own.


But maybe I’d need some lessons in how to sit for the White House…
