Posted by on Nov 4, 2016 | 12 comments


Sometimes one gets one’s teeth in something and doesn’t want to let go.

Well, mama put that photo in the blog on toussaint of the rather strange gravesite of our friend, and then we both read the comments and Dezi said he thought that was a pretty cool grave, and so we are all taking another look at it, and in a funny way, yes, it is a fairly unique plot.  It is very helpful to hear others’ views of things because I think we all get bogged down in our own opinions and views and sometimes, sort of stuck, so maybe mama will take me over there (on a leash) and I can think about it in a new way.

At least mama gets bogged down.  My mind is very open all the time.  Sort of.

But…I just don’t want her to get so open-minded that her grey matter escapes, haha.  She has a firm belief that breakfast, lunch and dinner must be served around here to KITTIES (also papa, but it is I talking here!), and I really do not wish her to embrace OTHERS’ views of THAT!!!

Imagine if mama started giving me a macrobiotic brown rice and raw radish diet or cut out all the fat, or felt that bananas and peanut butter were the best diet of all (her roommate in school went on that diet and lost 5 pounds–go figure).  I could deal with the peanut butter, but bananas?  Not sure.


Maybe if it were this banana cake with peanut butter frosting….

To continue, I always appreciate new views and new ideas so thank you for sending them when you can.

Nothing political, okay?  But anything else is fine and dandy, whatever that is.

(PS Mama did not make that cake but it was an interesting recipe and website)


Num, num.


I am a peace blogger and thank you, AtCad for reminding us to be one when we can.