Posted by on Dec 10, 2017 | 12 comments


Well, whatever that is.  I seem to be burning it.

Why is it that I have to think up, do the graphics, and eventually write my blog when it’s almost midnight and I’m about to DROP.  Not that a kitty ever puts out much exertion during the day, but seriously, folks, it’s not easy checking out all the pantry doors, the outside piazza and all its cars and students and traffic and police cars and stuff (we’re near a police station but I don’t seen them doing much, ever).  And then one has to find one’s food bowl and LEAP tall buildings to get to the bowl and then one finds it is not up to the level one thinks it OUGHT to be and one has to plop down in the middle of all foot traffic in the house to get THEIR attention so that the food bowl will be brought up to par, and then one has to bathe.  That, above all else.  Cleanliness is next to codliness, they say.

It’s not easy being me.  Remember the van Morrison froggy song, It’s Not Easy Being Green? Well, it’s just as hard being black and white, let me tell you.  And that white part has to STAY white, okay?  You can’t just let things go around here.  Maintenance is everything.


So here in Roma it is 23:28, which means 11:28PM which means I am tuckered out and have found a place on the floor where the hot pipes go under the floor to reach the radiators and I think I’ll just stay here all night instead of being mama’s hot water bottle.

A kitty has to have SOME privacy after all.

May all of you have a sweet sleep, too. And may the fires go out in California where mama and papa have lots of friends worried about their homes, and may the weather not be so cold for you who are greeting winter, and may we all get rested up and ready for the end of a crazy and disturbing year and may we all be kind to one another in 2018 and work together for a peaceful world.

It starts with a snooze.
