Posted by on Aug 1, 2013 | 2 comments


(Hitting high C–piece o’ cake!)

Having just discovered that my precious, light-hearted name is frequently used in song, ditty, sea chant, bawdy/rowdy limerick and such (no link to THESE–they are verboten on MY blog!), I thought I would list them here just in case you wish to sing along with me every now and then as I whistle and hum during my languorous afternoon-floating-between-snoozes-and-awakening kind of day. I had no idea there were so many song writers who wanted to glorify my humble kitty-ness, but my favourite, one that really says who I am is this first one (just ignore the spellings—mine is French):

Don’t bring Loulou

So ME, so appropriate to my character (mama says I take after her a bit), such succinct (another of my favourite words–sounds like something a plumber would say whilst unstopping the drain) and descriptive stanzas relating to my discrete little kitty life.

But here are some others I quite like to warble:

Skip to my Loulou, My Darlin’

Blue Loulougoon

Bloulou Suede Shoes

Bebop a Loulou

Mow Mow Loulou Guyban (Japanese song that I’m not sure I’ll get around to translating but what the heck…)

And lest we forget the great musicians and singers with my name:

Loulou Armstrong

Loulou Rawls

Loulou Reed

And to wrap this up, the great French song, which I hope will NOT influence you in the least, but it’s such a poignant song:

Forget Loulou

But please, don’t…






Forget Loulou