Posted by on Apr 26, 2019 | 16 comments







Sacked out at last!

Well, I should get a medal for THIS trip!

Not only was I a PERFECT traveler (even though the toilette thing was a bit if-fy, but frankly, I think we kitties can hold out for hours and hours if need be).

So here I am, happy as a kitty in litter, taking charge of MY apartment and putting things in order so that THEY will remember just who runs the show around here.

The only drawback is that while we were away, those little flying thingies that eat furniture had to be squelched, and someone came in and fumigated them a month ago but…the smell is still pretty strong and it is NOT good for small animals.  Does mama count?  She’s pretty short.

So I’m staying clear of the salone for a few days.

Thank HEAVEN my little under-the-bed-hideaway was not invaded!

A kitty needs PRIVACY after putting up with a gazillion tourists, right?