Posted by on Sep 7, 2015 | 4 comments


I’m about to be hard at work on Labor Day!

Well, mama says it’s Labor Day in the USA and I found this really funny video that made me laugh until I fell off my chair and thought that even though I might have put it in another blog, I really wanted to pass it on so that everyone could laugh all over again at the labors of this amazing birdie.

Apart from the fact that I LOVE Ray Charles and apart from the fact that this is a BIRD and not a kitty, I put away my prejudices and opinions about animals other than those like ME and hope you have fun watching.  This bird is a KICK! Plus I love his name, Frostie…


OKAY, she’s coming to get me to write about serious stuff.  Enough with the birds…

NOW to continue–my computer is back and so am I with mama to help me get these ideas into some kind of coherent form, whatever that is.

Immigration: The population of advanced countries like Germany and Italy will diminish greatly as people stop having kids.  When immigrants with a culture of having children arrive in a country in which they can (finally) work and raise their families, the population of that country will grow and if it does not, it is on a path to problems: too many elderly to support who do not give back to the economy as do the young; no workers to create a healthy economy that has growing power; no young entrepreneurs to stimulate the countries’ growth and  production.  And more.

The USA, for example, had immigrants from Mexico for years and would not be what it is today without them.  But immigrants are lessening because Mexico can provide jobs and housing for its people and they do not have to immigrate to other countries to make a living.

The immigrants who are being welcomed by Germany and other benevolent countries will only enrich those countries by having children, finding work, and expanding the number of people living there so that the countries will not be weakened by a low birth rate.  Complicated but true, and as the immigration population is able to acquire education and jobs and make a decent living after having been exploited for years by corrupt leaders in their own countries, they, too, may decide to have fewer children.  But because immigrants often come from a family-oriented culture, they, as new citizens, will strengthen the economies of the countries who accept them.

In America, we were all immigrants or children of immigrants.  That the world is realizing the positive effects of immigration is a major step for humankind.  The Turks who immigrated to a united Germany for reasons of persecution have worked and contributed to Germany’s strength over the years in an amazing way.  Let us hope that in welcoming other cultures to our own that we can learn from this and benefit all around from benevolence.


I certainly do.  Papa is very benevolent all the time…