Posted by on Nov 5, 2016 | 20 comments


Talk about a FALL!

See this stuff on our patio?  Those are strawberry tree flowers knocked off by HUGE bees who are here fertilizing and are they making a mess or what?

It’s a pity we can’t think of something to do with them.  Mama thought maybe tea would be good (for after my ZEN sessions) but the tea did not taste good at all (probably deadly poison, haha). And then she thought to put them on the compost pile and that sort of settled it.  But THREE TIMES A DAY they fall because those bees are busy, busy, living up to their name.  Wish they knew how to sweep.

And this is what falls with the flowers. Squishy fruit half-eaten by birds or bees.


And no one likes them except mama because they are so grainy and even the jam she made did not really have much taste.

But the tree is sacred, from long ago, and usually grows wild in the hills and makes nice shade in summer and was planted by our lovely neighbour and so we leave him to his calm tree life.

Would that we could do that with one another, no?

At least mama and papa leave me pretty much alone, except when they can’t resist my tummy or my little snoozing self.  I just wish I could get some REST around here!


Maybe if I try to camouflage myself, they won’t insist on cuddling all day long.


Hah, now they’ll think I’m just part of the couch.  I’ve foxed them this time, whatever that is…