Posted by on Apr 17, 2016 | 8 comments


NO, there is NO ladder out of frame!

Well, today I just had to put this in.  Why do kitties land on all fours? This was an item from my Good News newspaper, which I started reading because I was so fed up with terrible news about nuclear arms races beginning again and ISIS horrors and so on, and this video just made me want to jump off of something very high!!!

I didn’t.

But I wanted to.  That’s what counts.

Actually, I think I have a little hitch in my get-along or what is known as arthritis and so I’m favouring my back leg until it’s better, but I do take leaps from the bed to my sleeping place on a dresser, and that’s something.  Or in the mornings, I do run up Annapurna to get my kibble.  But when you see what this video says we can do, you’ll be wanting to leap over tall buildings, that’s for sure and Annapurna looks like a molehill!

A caution: Don’t try this at home…unless you are pretty sure of the altitude and that there are no breakable heirlooms on top of whatever it is you wish to practice from.  In short, look before you leap up AND down.  Boy, that’s catchy, no? Boy, I’m coming up with those original phrases in leaps and bounds, haha.


Post-leap…tuckered out.


ATTENTION DEAR SUBSCRIBERS:  My new feed may need a re-subscribe for my blog.  On the home page of you will find my new box for subscribing and if you would re-subscribe (it’s free, of course), I would be really grateful.  FEEDBURNER eliminated the process of getting my blog to you for which you had already subscribed.  Thanks so much for your patience.

It was some sort of glitch with FEEDBURNER, so I simply changed feeds.  I’m sure FEEDBURNER is a good feed, but it did not work for me after a while.  FEED PRESS is the new feed and let’s hope it functions.

So far, so good.