Posted by on Nov 19, 2022 | 20 comments

Well, I’m still thinking about writing my mémoires, if only my mémoire, haha, would sharpen up!

Mama says the same thing about hers…I tend to agree with her when she forgets that 5pm now is REALLY 6pm (my original dinner time) and that coming down to the kitchen at FIVE PM simply means that I know what’s what and mama doesn’t! Jeez, purée!

(Which is pretty weird in itself, the word in French, purée, for jeez.)

So today I’m simply having a lesson to learn…well…what this contraption is and how to make it write.

Maybe give it more kibble or malt paste.

Mama says that’s not a good idea if I want the keys to work…

Who knew?

I’m used to dictating.

Oh, Saturday Art, almost forgot:

Ready for pumpkin pie…

Loonypic did this as I warmed my…uh…whatever.