Posted by on Mar 17, 2016 | 12 comments

This is not mama’s brand of coffee (she drinks Nespresso), but it’s a good one, too.  It’s the only cup she could find.

Well, mama walks out to get a delivery of coffee that she ordered and it usually comes in just a couple of days and it had been several days and so she called the Post Office and they knew nothing about it and it turns out that the neighbors across the street, not very nice neighbors, actually, were moving out on the day the delivery was to take place and guess where just perhaps, just maybe, that package of coffee went?

Image result for free image of brown mailing box

It sort of looked like this except it had OUR name on it!  Is stealing coffee a felony? Hm…..

Now, mama is not someone to accuse before the truth is found, but these neighbors who parked their car in the middle of the street for months and no one could get by without barely scraping either their car or the neighbor’s car, these very same neighbors who had a drone and were flying it around in the neighborhood and heaven knows what info it was bringing back, and these very same neighbors who actually have a lovely little boy, smart as a kitty, but who was yelled at by his very angry father often, along with the awful man’s wife, these neighbors moved out very fast and guess what went with them, I am pretty sure?


So mama calls the coffee place and explains what has happened and how she knows they always deliver on time and the man says that it shows on his computer that the coffee was delivered five days ago (moving day!) and so he will just send another order exactly the same as the one that…er…was misplaced.

And so he did. And so we have it. And so mama called the coffee company and said, “There seems to be a bill with this order. Do I owe you for the missing coffee?” And the lady was so, so sweet and said, “Of course not. It’s on the house.” Or whatever the French say in French that means you ignore the bill, tear it up and have a nice cup of coffee to celebrate.  Is that a sweet story or what?  For a change.

Well, we’re all very happy around here about this. Mama’s never had anything stolen, and she was really nice to the little boy and their doggy and always said, “Bonjour” to the wife and just ignored the shit husband, so maybe that was it. C’est la vie. Let’s just leave him at the river, as the Japanese say, a phrase that mama loves because it means to just forget the unpleasantness because it has passed and life moves on.

With nice little cups of espresso to start the day…


I’m going to need one myself after this…

I guess mama had the Luck o’ the Irish today!