Posted by on Jun 9, 2016 | 15 comments


Well, guess what has happened while THEY took three days to go off somewhere and leave me with (lucky me) another Kitty Sitter?



But it did not creep in on little kitty feet, like the fog, and it did not saunter in or sidle in or just sort of amble in–it crashed in and everyone was so hot it was as if it were the middle of July or August and the tiles where I lounge around often were too hot to handle.  I suppose I could have fried an egg or two, the way those anthros say one can do on hot stone, but frankly, I was just too lethargic to want to cook.  Much as I love cooking, as you know.

I just rolled around in the nip and hoped mama and papa weren’t sweltering, whatever that is, in those places they had to go.

But the heat has worn me out and I’ll just have to recharge for tomorrow’s stint at my computer.  Plus, THEY are back as of this afternoon and I am rubbing in and out of their legs to let them know I still have feelings for them (plus am hungry) and that they are forgiven this time for their little break in my life.  BUT…I have a funny intuition that it’s time to see those little anthros in Roma and that I will be thrust into anxiety (and my traveling $%#!*^&! “apartment” (a euphemism for CAGE) once again and put upon the seas.  Let’s just say “put upon” and leave it at that.

So until demain (tomorrow), I’ll be thinking of you and hoping summer is not crashing into YOUR life quite as forcefully as this one is.


I’ve asked papa to put in a diving board for me…and maybe a little float with a drink holder?