Posted by on Feb 2, 2014 | 2 comments


Something WAS out there, I’m telling you! And it wasn’t a SHADOW!

Well, Candelmas is certainly a prettier name for Groundhog Day, I have to say.  I wonder if there is kittyhog day?  Sometimes when I go outside and see my shadow, I run like bloody hell (haha, it’s all a game) and throw open the kitchen door and hightail it for upstairs.

Mama looks completely perplexed.

Loulou, she cries, what on earth is chasing you?

I’m just funnin’ with mama, but today really is Candelmas, the 40th day after Christmas, celebrating the purification of Mary, and people eat crêpes for supper, but since it’s Sunday, mama’s making her traditional pizza instead.  Still, I like a taste of crêpe every now and then as long as it isn’t soaked in Grand Marnier, the way papa likes them.

Candelmas, you say?  Just what is that?  Well, I know that there is something to do with a big bear and virgins or at least it was like that in the old days, and we don’t really have any bears around here although in the little town near us, someone dresses up as a bear and pretends to terrorize the people at the festival until he is captured.  All in fun.

I am going to direct you to one of my favorite places, , because today there is a very good explanation of Groundhog Day and a wonderful recipe for crêpes!

Now I’m going out the yard and see if I see my shadow, or maybe even a groundhog, whatever that is…

Let’s find out if spring is on the way. Or six more weeks of brrrrrrr….

OOPS! Back to the hole, honey…