Posted by on Apr 24, 2020 | 12 comments








I may looked puffed up to some, but it is purposeful!

Well, here is part of a lovely email about Marcus, from Mr Doug, Jan Price’s brother.  It must be difficult organizing so many emails and blogs and the richness that Jan’s life produced.  He was kind to answer my question about dear Marcus, for whom I have had a secret love for all of his four  years (even if I am a kitty)!

This is directly from Doug’s email.

suzanne, sorry i am so slow. need to keep up with jan’s friends as best i can.
was informed that marcus is going to a nice dog ranch in florida next week. it sounds so nice that i want to apply. i’ll get my shots and promise to be a good doug.

This brought a smile to us here in lockdown so I wanted to pass it on to you. Mr Doug was invaluable to Jan in so many areas of her life.

Thank you, Mr Doug, for all you are doing, despite sadness, to sort out the complexities of losing your wonderful, kind-hearted sister.

GOOD  NEWS: WE HAVE SUN and it seems that every plant has doubled! Maybe I should  have left my bag of kibble out in the rain, haha.

Unfortunately, mama thinks I might have doubled, too.  Well,  maybe not doubled, but…er…puffed up a little.   I keep telling her that kitties DO that when they are  HUNGRY. DUH!

These anthros never get it…







And this is mindful puffing up.  I had to practice this a long time to get it right.