Posted by on Jan 28, 2014 | 2 comments

One day, what’s in this bag will be a loaf of crusty bread!



See those bubbles?  Mama says that’s when the little yeast babies eat the sugar in the flour and fart and help the starter to ferment…hmmmm.

Mama has invented a new thing.  Well, maybe it’s not new, but it’s new to her, even though she often puts dough in a bag and lets it rise in the fridge.  I know because I stepped on a bag once in the kitchen when I was somewhere I was not supposed to be and my little paw went right through the plastic and then this soft beige-colored stuff starting creeping out all over the kitchen counter and man, I was outta there like a rocket!

It was like creature from the bread lagoon.

But now she puts her starter (levain, biga, so many names for flour and water fermentations) in one of those amazing bags that has a zipper to close it–the ones that you can’t find here except in one store that is so big and overwhelming to shop in that mama says you need a Valium just to enter the doors. She’s kidding, of course.  I know she doesn’t take any of that stuff because she’s reluctant to give me 5 Bach drops for kitties when we’re about to travel, much less serious tranks like the V or X word.  But this grand surface, as these big stores are called here, is pretty intimidating.

Back to bread:  So she has this gooey flour and water stuff in a zipper bag and then she spoons in some more flour and squishes it all around (the bag is CLOSED at this point—don’t forget!) and then she just waits and the starter ferments and then the next day she puts in more flour and some salt and squishes the dough in the bag and voilá, it’s bread dough!  At this point, if there is too much in the bag there will not be room to rise so you have to use a pretty big bag.  But it works when you’re in a hurry to get it out of the way so that your kitty won’t step on it and you can put it in the fridge immediately and just wait to bake on the next day.

IF I were a kitty who ate bread, which I may become soon, I would certainly eat whatever is baking in the oven right now because my little salivary glands are working up a fever.

Then again, maybe that’s because I’m on a diet again and almost anything smells good!

Can anyone out there tell me why I can’t lose my little round tummy and get back my waistline when mama has cut back my 200 grams a day to 170 grams?  Certainly those little drops of olive oil can’t do this!!! And she even has me on Light cat chow!

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I’m so hungry I’m about to eat my fake mouse! Eck…..


Got mouse?