Posted by on Oct 4, 2020 | 20 comments










Don’t you worry, Loulou, your TV will work soon.   It’s just having some interference.

Okay, mama bought this little bird feeder because her sisinlaw says that in Sonoma, all the birdies are so cute to watch feeding at their snazzy feeder.  It was a surprise for papa and an outdoor TV for me, but have we had ONE LITTLE BIRDIE visit?

NO WAY, JOSE, only the tourterelles, who hog all the sunflower seeds and fight each other like crazy, having dust-ups over the seeds.

Mama now has several packages of hulled sunflower seeds that she thought would be gone by  now, so I guess we are all going to be munching them for some time, haha.










And all of this, because mama put the feeder on the  terrace, out of the lemon tree, thinking it couldn’t be found easily in the tree for some unknown bird-reason.

But even on the terrace, none of our little sparrows seems to care one way or the other.

But SOME found it and now we have a problem:  to  fill or not to fill the feeder?










“Move over, birdbrain, that’s MY SEED!”