Posted by on Nov 7, 2016 | 13 comments


I was balanced PERFECTLY on two paws for what seemed like an eternity, but I fell over. Pity no one was there to marvel at my equilibrium.

Well, today mama had a class devoted entirely to balance.  Now, I asked her, was it a class in which you learn to balance, or was it a class for unbalanced anthros who need to learn to be more balanced, and I think it was the former.  Evidently, anthros reach a certain age at which they fall over easily, in the wind, off a low curb, tight-rope walking a fence, haha, and bammo!  Cracked this or strained that or, heaven forbid, broken something or other that really requires LOTS of rehab, and so in this class, one learned exactly how to keep oneself upright and strong and not hit the cement easily.

And IF you do these simple exercises daily, you will become more in tune with your body and your equilibrium will improve.  That’s a promise, mama says.

As you can see above, I tried one or two of the exercises but…

All kidding aside, here is what you do 30 seconds a day (if you can, if not, do a few seconds less and build up to 30 seconds and then try to do a minute or two of each):

Breathe deeply and regularly during all the exercises.  Go into a kind of balancing ZEN by focusing on a spot in the distance with your head up and looking straight ahead.  Putting something you like in front of you in the distance helps, such as a chocolate truffle stuck to a distant wall.

Stand on two feet (near a wall or chair!) and slowly lift one of your feet, NOT high, just lift it up and try to maintain your balance for 30 seconds. Do this with both feet. NO, NO, not at the same time, are you nuts? ONE and then the OTHER.  This is a very good exercise for beginners.

Now, do the same thing but put one foot out to the side, just a little, not much, and maintain your position.  Now the other foot.

Now, put your foot in back of you and lift it slightly and maintain the position.  Then the other foot.

After my first experience, I decided to do them like this:


Lie on back on comfortable surface.  Balance left paw and right foot in air.  Count to 30, then raise other paw and foot and repeat.


Balanced perfectly on side with play toy as stabilizer.  Turn over and do the same on other side.

If you do these simple exercises, your chance of falling down is NIL!!!

OH, one last thing.  DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES.  That’s another level and you do NOT want to do that one right now.


See, my eyes are OPEN.  And I did not fall over.