Posted by on Jan 21, 2014 | 11 comments


I just can’t cope with these things lately….

What is going on?  Are the stars misaligned?  A woman in hospital over an affair and another woman dead because of her husband’s infedility.  What is the world coming to?  I am so glad kitties do not have to deal with these anthro things, but I do read about them and I feel a kind of pathos for the anthros involved and I just wish that politics would stay politics and not get so embroiled in the pecadillos of the politicians who are supposed to serve the people!

Meanwhile, the beautiful moon is on the wane and mama is planting things, even though she knows there could be a frost, but the fava beans thrive so that I can rest under their leaves in spring, and the kiwis are ripe and amazing—nothing like the store-bought ones, and the only real news I’ve seen today that blew me away is about the obesity pill that one takes and a little balloon inflates in your tummy and makes you think you are not hungry!!!

What is the world coming to?  Where did this obesity epidemic come from?  I know, I am aware that some people have genetic troubles with fat, but the percentages of kids AND adults who are obese in a society are growing daily.

This kitty can’t be happy.

I think it’s something else.

I think it’s stress.

I think it’s the internet and video games and violent television and movies and too much loneliness and not enough TLC to go  around and too much stress on mothers and fathers who work all day and feel they achieve little for it and too much money made by anthros who probably can’t spell “cat” but somehow manage to sock away billions on islands where no one can touch it and I also think that there is not enough attention given to education about food and its glory instead of attention on all of those foods that one can be “allergic” to and I, for one, a kitty who eats what is put in front of me with no complaints (yes, I am one rare kitty) believe that cooks and food providers for the family ought to get their acts together and simply make good food in reasonable quantities and if their kids don’t want it at the right time and turn up their noses at it, they can tell their kids that the kids can just go hungry until the next meal. BASTA with picky eaters. Picky eaters want attention and boy, do they get it when their every whim is indulged at the table.

Unfortunately, kids have money now, and they can buy junk and live on junk and ruin their health and say, “Screw you,” to their mothers and fathers and even if they eat tons of junk, they can always throw it up and start over again.  Or not eat at all and get very, very sick.

WHEN DID THIS FOOD CRISIS BEGIN? When did lovely, wonderful, extraordinary Food become the enemy?

Is anyone aware that most of the world is hungry most of the day and has nothing, nothing compared to our overabundance of foods.

And you can bet your paws there are many people eating MY food, cat food, or dog food just to stay alive.

That makes me really sad.

Even if mama says how good it smells and not at all like cat food because it has improved so much.

Personally, I think I should be happy with nice scraps and an occasional dish of milk, the way cats used to be…

But now, even pets are obese and neurotic about it!

There is something not right here, but I just haven’t put my finger on it yet.

I’ll find it, and let you know, but maybe you have ideas about what is going on.  Let me know if you come up with answers.


I certainly don’t have any yet…..