Posted by on Apr 5, 2020 | 20 comments








Jan Price has left us.

Last night we received an email from Doug, Jan Price’s brother, that she had passed away on Thursday evening after a week’s stay in hospital in Thomaston, Georgia.  Oh, Jan, we shall miss you so!  Your wonderful blogs about the Funny Farmers, your photos of the sweet animals you sheltered for so long. Our letters to one another over so many years.

Mr. Doug, her brother, wrote to several of her acquaintances because he found a letter in her things addressed to him, and that’s how we found out.  Mama had called Jan last week and found Mr. Doug at her house and so had a long chat with him.  But Jan was expected home at that time.

Our hearts are heavy right now.

Love and condolences for her family and the wonderful animals she loved, some gone, but never forgotten.  I hope so that they find a new home with Mr. Doug.