Posted by on Jul 16, 2020 | 10 comments

You’d think she’d know how to type  (and upload) by now…

Well, mama often hits the “R” instead of the “T” when writing YouTube, and I am convinced that it’s a Freudian slip (whatever that is) because she thinks she’s a rube at  YouTubing, if that makes sense.

Mama is, as we speak, ATTEMPTING to upload her pasta video and so went for a quick tutorial but one of them was garbled and another one talked too fast but mama finally found someone who said, do this, do that, and it’s done and so she’s doing this and doing that and MAYBE it will be done (in supposedly 13 minutes).

But my pea brain remembers that to upload the other two took over an hour…

We’ll see about this one, as it’s shorter than the other two.

SO, tomorrow I will let you know where it is on YouRu…er…YouTube and you can use enjoy a sauce made from some of those lovely summer tomatoes that are showing up in markets.

AND on our vines, hallelujah!

Really, mama needs a handler-keeper, I think, whatever those are, or at least a YouTube Guru but for sure, a spell check…

Good thing I’m around.  At least, in moments of stress, I can make mama and papa laugh…