Posted by on Sep 14, 2020 | 14 comments







Do, re, mi…whatever those are…šŸŽ¶

Well, those doggies do have it over us kitties in some respects

Actually, I have been known to sing in the shower…uh…whatever that is. Ā Let us just say that my voice is really on key in the morning, just before breakfast, when mama and papa are snoozing a bit before arising to meet my vocal demands.

So, yes, we kitties can sing on key.

And on command! Ā As in “BREAKFAST, Ā LOULOU!”

Or Evensong, just before…er…dining.

But of course, NO one can do it like Pavarotti!

Whoever he is.







WOW, Pavarotts really nailed that next to last note! Ā I think there are some broken glasses in the kitchen…