Posted by on Jul 4, 2020 | 19 comments







Yes, you’re seeing right here! Empty bowl syndrome!

Well, here’s the rub.  Or rather, I seem to have a little too much to rub, if you get my drift.  We got in car, we meowed, we (the royal ‘we’) threw up at 4pm (very small) remnants of breakfast, we got to vet, we rolled me to the doc outside the clinic, Mme Tardieu, who was masked and had come out of the back of the vet clinic and took me in through the back so I would not have to greet…oh…six or seven birddogs, mastiffs, Labradors, Tuxie and grey and kitten kitties, and even more arriving dogs that I couldn’t identify.

Seems like Friday is Visit Your Favorite Vet day.

Had blood test. Do not have diabetes, do have a bit of arthritis and pain, do have inflammation in gum on one side (where the teeth are – there are none on the other side…sigh) and this is what I was given:  Metacam for 3 days, Zodon half tab morn and eve for 6 days, and an herbal powder to help…er…ablutions to be…uh…whatever.  The doc says I’ll get better…

I mean, really, is this interesting?  What am I doing?  Mama’s mama taught her to never converse about one’s aches and pains and the only reason I mention all this is because some anthro out there might have better solutions.

The BIGGEST thing, not to make a pun, is to get SKINNIER and help my arthritis as it’s a burden on the bones to be a balloon.  Sounds like the first line of a song…🎶🎶

SO…I am cut down to 60 g wet and 15 g kibble and,  frankly, I’m boring you to death, I know.







Am I getting a treat on the Fourth OR WHAT?

Off to ask nicely for a tiny bite of hamburger…hey, it’s the FOURTH!  We’re supposed to celebrate, right?  TREATS ARE PATRIOTIC!