Posted by on Dec 23, 2019 | 6 comments







Well, that was a stretch with words, but friends have sent their cards and photos recently with these holidays as the subject and I thought I’d put a few photos on today’s blog just to show you what some anthros do with Santa.

This one is from our little town, from our friend, Lynne, who took the photos of the yearly arrival of Santa on a boat and his hello to all  the little anthros of our ville.



























And this card is from our friends who live in Nice with palm trees and blue sea along the lovely walkway/bicycle path that runs the length of  the town.










Oh, NO, and here’s mama again HUGGING ANOTHER KITTY!  Where does she FIND  these guys?

How these pics get in here is a mystery to me…(She looks a bit like Santa,  haha, with that “beard”).








Just sayin’…