Posted by on Sep 26, 2023 | 20 comments

Peace and quiet…

Well, THEY have been off and running for two whole days and I am attempting to settle into my quiet, sane, sun-bathing self and take advantage of my solitude.

That is, not exactly solitude as I have my aunty Sue here to spoil me rotten, but it is rather nice at times to have moments to oneself to recharge.

Of course, the truth is that mama and papa are suffering terribly without my little warm body on their bed, wherever that is, and my little head butting up against them for a rub…

They pretend that all of this is normal, but it’s not.

Over and out on that one. I can imagine that mama wakes up in the night and says, “Loulou, Loulou, want to get on the bed?” And then realizes that I am not there! Sigh…

Okay, enough of this nostalgia. This is a fairly short family trip so I shall just have to sin and bear it.

Uh, grin.

But I do love just doing exactly as I please all day long. Heaven!

And I have the bed ALL to myself.