Posted by on Sep 11, 2019 | 10 comments










So many toys, so little time, haha.

Do you ever do this with your family member:  You sit right in the middle of your toys and someone tries to pick one up and play with you by dangling it in front of your cute little pink nose and all you do is look bored and wish they would go play with their OWN toys!

Does that ever happen in your house?  Or how about this:  You wake up (in  hunt mode because you always wake up in hunt mode–read:  hungry) and you  play and play and play on bed with that weird feather-thing on the end of what looks like a fishing pole (whatever that is) and you dive and chase and stalk and make your fishing-pole-holder think you are having the time of your life but after exactly 8-10 minutes of  this (when you hear your papa opening the door to the outside), your leap off the bed and disappear down the stairs, leaving  your playmate holding the weird feather-thingy and laughing (her) head off at your graceful, elegant exit!







Does that ever happen to you?  Anthros  are  WEIRD.

Or  how  about receiving a fresh-filled nip toy (a gift from Mya, thank you, Mya) and rolling-stoned around  on the rug with it daring ANYONE to try to take it away and PLAY with it. 







(Mama tried to snap a pic of this but my lightning speed and fierce glare made her RUN like a bat out of hell, whatever and wherever that  is!)

Toys are very personal.  Do NOT get between a Doberman or Pit Bull or Tuxie and his/her toy!

I have spoken.  That’s my advice for today.







Think twice, okay?