Posted by on Jul 29, 2019 | 14 comments








Mr Lonelyheart

Well, I know you all out there are on pins and needles, dying to know about mama’s (non) tomato crop and how it is  (not)faring…

BUT…we are going to have more cherry tomatoes than a kitty has hairs, in about one week.  When mama is in Italy around May, just after planting time (!), little cherry “volunteers” start showing their tiny leaves and if no one is here to mind the store, voila’…plants everywhere. It’s certainly the cherry tomatoes who seem to have the longevity genes!

So, I guess we’re going to have to invite doggies everywhere to come to a tomato party and hoover up the drop outs…er…offs.

Mama made sauces with them last year (when they did the same @#$%*@$ thing and she didn’t catch them in time to thin them out) but it’s just not like having San Marzano sauce tomatoes or giant beefsteaks.

Hey, at least we have SIX of those, and a few more on the way but Mr Weather has definitely changed our garden agenda.  Is that happening to you?







HEY, our neighbor has tomatoes!!! (But arugula in foreground.)

Maybe pull everything out and grow nothing but arugula, haha.

No problem with that for sure.  It grows wild in all the ruins in Italy, which is where mama got her first seeds years ago.  Now we have enough for our little ville!

Plus I can roll in it and keep cool.

HEY, how about planting ALL the garden in primo NIP?

My ‘nana needs new. stuffing.