Posted by on Jan 4, 2016 | 7 comments


I just don’t know which way to turn…

Well, do you ever feel a bit let down after all the hubbub of holidays and then you are thrown into a new year and you’re supposed to follow resolutions and be a better kitty and help anthros get back on track, too, and you just find it all so overwhelming that all you want to do is sack out?

When mama was young and still went to church and learned her communion lessons and all that, she never forgot a phrase from the 1928 Morning Prayer that was said in her church that went something like this:

We have left undone those things which we ought to have done; And we have done those things which we ought not to have done; And there is no health in us.

Well, there is more but mama is not so religious nowadays even if she remembers lots of her teachings—do unto others and all that, and that’s important, really important, but leaving undone the things you think you should have done, and doing the things you ought NOT to have done…well, that’s where mama and I stand right now. In limbo.

We both sort of wish that there were, oh, about a week before New Year’s and a week after New Year’s completely neutral. Maybe put yourself in one of those non-sensory warm bathtubs or something where all sound is blocked out and you just float your way back to being normal for the new year.

Maybe best just to forgive yourself for your shortcomings and start out on that list of things to do that make the world a better place and your friends a little bit happier.

Yeah, I think that would get us out of the rut we are in.

That, or sacking out.
