Posted by on Aug 23, 2019 | 6 comments








Haha, that stands for Thank God It’s Fish!  Mama is making salmon and oh, boy, do I get a nice little chunk of that, sautéed in olive oil and a bit crispy skin on the outside, or what?

So Friday is a pretty nice day around here, not to mention that those crazy tourterelles seem to be invading our patio each Friday morn (well, every morn) in hopes of driving me batty!  Here’s one now.








(kehkehkehkeh…now what?)

Hey, just because he/she shows up AFTER my breakfast does NOT mean that I am NOT a serious threat to his/her pathetic existence!

What nerve.  He/she flaps in, sounding like a slipping fan belt, and lands ON the crackers that mama has squished for those spoiled birdies instead of politely stepping around the (free!) petit dejeuner and pecking delicately at the SEVEN-GRAIN TOASTS that mama puts out.

I look on  fiercely, threatening to obliterate his/her very existence.

Sort of.

OH, no!










Double trouble!

Double  dumbbells,  if you  ask me.

(I wonder if mama fed  me 7-grain kibble I would soon be able  to fly?)


I’m  stayin’ up here–those birdbrains are unpredictable.