Posted by on Jun 10, 2022 | 20 comments

That’s Thank Cod It’s Friday, with thanks also to Ernie for the phrase, but if I am mistaken, please forgive me and tell me again who thought that one up. WE LOVE IT.

1. If my life could have a rewind or pause button, I would choose __revisiting my portion of chicken liver in my dinner dish.

2. I think a reality show about __how those who hate to cook would go about making meals__would be interesting.

3. If my life had a soundtrack, it would include __papa’s singing for sure and so many others that I can’t list them here, but I’ll tack on Pavarotti  and Bobby Dylan.

4. My personal style could best be described as __Tuxie Truckin’.

Have a lovely, new-hip, flowers-bloomin’, wind-abating, birdy-cheepin’, salmon-grillin’, lawn-cuttin’, potato-salad-makin’, ham or veggie burger flippin’, kibble-crunchin’ weekend.
