Posted by on May 27, 2019 | 14 comments













Keeping an eye out for mama….

Well, I wasn’t around yesterday to post my blog because I was keeping mama (and papa!) company so that mama might feel better.  She’s fine, don’t worry, but I was worried and stayed on the bed all day with mama, knowing that my very presence was a healing balm for her troubles.

Mama took an antibiotic for something (we won’t go into that) but had a pretty rough reaction to it and was flattened, and I mean, whacked by that pill and literally couldn’t move herself off the bed.

I’m only telling you this so you won’t worry.  It’s not often I miss my calling, haha, meaning my blog, but I’m back and will have more news when I gather my wits about me.  You know how kitties worry, seeing their mama or papa like a zombie, whatever that is.  I only got off the bed to…you know…and that was a good thing.

The sweet thing about all of this though is that papa made pasta for lunch and then cooked his own dinner last night and I was very impressed.  He’s pretty handy in the kitchen, and I had no idea!

Oh, I forgot.

He had to learn how to feed ME.  Fortunately, mama could still speak, haha.