Posted by on Aug 31, 2019 | 13 comments







Well you won’t believe it, but this is a first!

Okay, maybe a second, but I can’t remember when mama and papa last had a HAMBURGER for dinner!  They can’t either…

Mama is a minimal red meat eater in her old ag…er…as she grows less young, and papa is sort of losing his taste for meat, too.  But for some reason, mama decided that tonight is a HAMBURGER night (a trade-off for salmon) and she went in the kitchen and ground the beef and put out all the accoutrements (whatever they are) and off we go.

Uh, hello, mama, didn’t I say “we”?

HEY, MAMA, didn’t you save a bite of ground filet for ME?

Whew–that was close.  I’m headed right now for that little morsel I saw mama put in my dish.

Wait a minute–where’s the mayo, mustard, pickles, lettuce, tomato, and melted cheese???

You just can’t get good chefs anymore…






