Posted by on Jun 29, 2018 | 12 comments

I feel a bit boxed in over this, haha.

Oh, boy, is mama on a rampage!  I guess that’s about as bad as the Vegan rampage in Paris that is threatening butcher shops by sprinkling them with fake blood and writing anti-meat graffiti on their walls!  But mama’s rant is against these fanatics who think they can make the whole world be vegan.

Is the world going nuts or what?

People can eat exactly what they wish and do not have to be bullied into eating vegan fare, most of which, frankly, I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot paw.  But I’m a carnivore, it’s my heritage.  How many lions and tigers do you see having muesli, huh?

Hey, lighten up, vegans.  Give up poached eggs and cheddar and Brie and be happy with your soy substitutes, but just don’t become violent activists against the French butchers!

Mama saw the article in The Guardian and actually starting laughing, but it’s really no laughing matter when ANY group becomes militant against others.

But if you dangle in one hand a morsel of rib-eye in front of me and in in the other a morsel of a non-gluten bran cracker, one guess as to my choice!

Still, it’s a free country, France, but if you ask me, the butchers should cleave to their vocation and stay on the cutting edge of this dilemma.