Posted by on Jan 24, 2019 | 8 comments







Do I look like a Fat Cat to you?

Well, the pelt is svelte, but the rest isn’t best, according to my very kind but truthful veterinarian, Dr Benhamdine, in Argeles (our neighboring village).

6kg 7grams!!!


And papa thought my new traveling apartment simply weighed more when he picked it up with me in it!

But wait a minute–everyone knows thirteen is a terrible number so I’m shooting for 14 right away, you can bet your paws.

Mama, bring on the cream, okay!  Or how about some of that mango ice cream you just made, whatever a mango is…

Hey, since when is a mixed salad ICE CREAM?  Uh, oh, I think the dreaded ‘D’ word is in our vocabulary now……