Posted by on May 5, 2019 | 11 comments








Well, old Mr Sun is back on the streets!  Yesterday, mama went to her stepgrandson’s soccer match and sat in the stands through full warm sun, then misty cold rain, then windy cold misty rain, then sun-breaking-through-clouds-semi-warm-diminished-wind-freezing-get-into-the-car-fast-so-as-not-to-lose-hat-scarf-etc weather, and now today it’s as if none of the above happened!

Who’s running this meteo show anyway? Mama remembers when the weather person just said “Nice day today” or “Put your plants out for a light drizzle” or “Surf’s up”…things like that.

Now you can watch the weather reports from all over the world and be glad you are not in Dubai or India when it’s pushing 110 degrees but wish you had just a tad of that heat as you chip the icicles off your whiskers in mid-MAY!

Do you realize that when anthros meet one another now they almost always begin talking about climate change?

Instead of their cute kitties or doggies or grandanthros.

Hey, that’s a very good thing because mama says that she’s really worried for her grandanthros if the temperature of the ocean is predicted to be up several degrees by the time those little ones are adults.  Oy…

The oceans account for about 92% of the Earth’s energy imbalance. This is why we are having increased bouts of strong storms (hurricanes, typhoons) and flooding events.” (Scientific American-Kenneth Trenberth of  NCAR-The NATIONAL CENTER FOR ATMOSPHERIC REASEARCH)

And yet, and yet, many in charge with the means to change things are turning a blind eye to weather facts.

So it goes.

I wonder if mama’s roses will suffer…