Posted by on Aug 22, 2018 | 15 comments


Oh, what a nice little wind…

Well, I am out in  my garden and there is the most wonderfully soft, silky breeze just wafting along, barely moving the little marigold heads and just ruffling my fur with a velvet touch.  Ah, summer.


I’m sorry, I’m just not a winter or fall person…spring maybe.  How about you?  There’s something about summer that makes me dream and stretch and loll around in the mulch (uh, got it all over the hall rug when I came in) and sniff at things unknown but they seem to smell really good.  Lemons falling off the tree, lavender, cherry tomatoes (mama’s big ones bit the dust in the heat–there are a few left but mostly we have gazillions of cerises), and the usual nip, which for some reason I do not seem to care about right now.


Maybe it’s the season.  Maybe it’s too strong.



But that little wind also made leaves fall into MY “bird” bath!!!


Hey, maybe my interest has reawakened…